My design portfolio includes marketing materials, branding packages, social media graphics and content, and more.
Social media banner
The Marfa Intensives is a two-week long devised theatre experiment that takes place in Marfa, TX. 2016 was the inaugural year for this new program developed by the Texas Tech University School of Theatre and Dance. Marfa is an artist's haven in the desert.
Since this was a new program, there was a need to increase awareness about the opportunity to students in the School. Given the nature of devised theatre - theatre that is created as a group during the process - there was no way to predict the content, theme, etc.
The idea for the awareness campaign was to create something visually enticing with just enough ambiguity to arise curiosity
Social media banner
LinkedIn banner
QR code
Long Dog English Co. is a business startup that provides all editing, tutoring, and coaching services related to the speaking, reading, reading, and writing of English. The business mainly works with university students and ESL speakers/readers/writers, LDEC serves clients of all ages. The company's aesthetic is relaxed, trendy, clean, and welcoming.
The client has two sectors of their company. These logo designs were created to have a relationship between the two sectors that would be complimentary.
The Heart of Lubbock Community Garden is a garden open to anyone to come and work in the garden in exchange for what is produced in the garden. In designing this logo, the client wanted something that was welcoming, fun, and recognizable. The first logo is the one that is currently in use by the Garden.
Wright Planner Co. is a small startup company that designs, published, and prints academic planners and other specialty planners. The company aesthetic is organized, simplified, and trendy.
Logo Design Competition
Logos submitted for a logo design competition for the Texas tech University Scholarly Film Society. The winning submission has not been announced as of May 2018.
This is the original mockup for the Bermuda Musical & Dramatic Society. We discussed something magical, an referential to the content of the production. The client requested something colorful, and to alter the lamp.
After feedback, this is the final product for the Bermuda Musical & Dramatic Society. In order to convey the theme of the production, I created the "Puss in Boots" and "Bollywood style" fonts.
Flyers & Handouts
This flyer was made to display in local coffee shops. To stand out from other advertisements, a humorous approach was utilized. Note: The BMW pictures was a placeholder until the real photo was received Update: The car sold!
Challenge: Recreate a cartoon character in Adobe Illustrator. This was a class assignment. The original is on the right and my recreation is on the left.